Reiki Attunements and Classes


Reiki 1

Receive attunement for Reiki 1. Learn brief history of Reiki. Learn basic information about the chakras, meridians, and how to get your energy to flow. Practice giving Reiki to yourself and to others. Meet like minded people who are desiring to learn this healing modality.

Class runs about 6 hours

Reiki 2

Receive the second Reiki attunement for utilizing Usui Reiki. Learn about giving a distant Reiki session. Learn some symbols and names to help direct and focus Reiki Energy.

Class runs about 6 hours

Reiki Master

Receive final Reiki attunement for Reiki Energy. Learn some more symbols to use to help to maneuver Reiki energy for healing yourself and others. ****Reiki Master Teacher Certificate available for an additional cost and Reiki and apprenticeship for one Reiki 1,2, and 3 class. (Must have practiced giving reiki for at least 20 hours to multiple people before being allowed to sign up for apprenticeship)

Each class runs about six hours

Reiki Teacher will require 4 total classes (one instruction and 3 that are apprenticeships) and 20 practice hours on your own time